dir: Richard Marquand

"He's more machine now than man; twisted and evil." - Obi-Wan

Brief Synopsis
Settling the score with Jabba the Hutt, Luke, Leia, and Han join the rebels in an attempt to destroy a second Death Star while Luke attempts to persuade his father away from the Dark Side.
Why It's Here
Left on the brink of the startling revelation revealed at the end of "The Empire Strikes Back", "Return of the Jedi" picks up with great speed and delivers a satisfying conclusion to the beloved sci-fi trilogy. Luke has evolved as a character into a wiser, more powerful Jedi. The film brings us to interesting places with interesting creatures. The much loathed Ewok's have been transformed by time into cultural icons and instantly identifiable creatures. The final installment showed no signs of slowing down the popular culture impact of this legendary trilogy.

"Return of the Jedi" is most accomplished by defeating the daunting task of a third film in any series, it had to be able to remain new and fresh with plots the audience cared for. "Jedi" succeeded by returning us to great places such as Yoda's swamp, and tying up loose ends such as Han's carbonite prison and Luke's father. The film is an epic last stand, everything boils down to this and "Return of the Jedi" shows no signs of slowing down. Three films in the making, the Empire and Rebels must do war and it's a conclusion that no Star Wars fan can be dissatisfied with.

Epic heroics, even if it's in the simplistic black vs. white sense is naturally fun to see succeed, and crush the Empire that held them down and pummeled them in the previous film. It's not difficult to relate or care about the Rebel's who represent the every-day man, limited by the looming powers of authority who dictate their rights and freedoms. Watching the faceless totalitarian system crumble is fun and satisfying and "Return of the Jedi" captures it perfectly. What makes the victory even more satisfying is that it is set-up perfectly by "The Empire Strikes Back" where the heroes were the losers, this sense of vengeance and revenge feeds our blood-lust for the Empire, making "Return of the Jedi" just that much more of a classic epic finale.