dir: Brad Anderson

"If you were any thinner you wouldn't exist." - Stevie

Brief Synopsis
Trevor has been suffering from insomnia for a year, his lack of sleep has made him question his sanity and reality. After a disfigured worker that no one knows begins to approach him at work Trevor begins to suspect there is a secret plot against him.
Why It's Here
Christian Bale in the most chilling performance of his career. His physical figure alone is shocking, as the actor is almost literally skin and bones to which Jennifer Jason Leigh's Stevie tells him "if you were any thinner you wouldn't exist". Bale's insomniac character traumatizes the audience with his condition, as a factory worker, it's a dangerous enough job on it's own, without the added worries of a malnourished and overtired employee. Trevor begins to meet with a coworker named Miller who has experienced a workplace accident of his own, yet no one else seems to know who he is.

The Machinist is a film that knows exactly how to make an atmospheric thriller with little to no money, it takes nothing more than a skeleton of Christian Bale and eerie sticky notes posted on his fridge depicting a hangman with no solution to get under your skin. The film's final revelation is a mixed bag, lacking the originality that the rest of the film pumps out, yet is suiting and appropriate. When it's all said and done, it is the sleazy look and overtired atmosphere of Trevor's world which reflects Trevor himself that will stay with you and keep you up at night.
Lesson Learned
Sleep is good.