dir: Michael Bay

"Dan Marino should definitely buy this car. Well not this one, cause I'm gonna fuck this one up. But he should get one just like it. " - Mike

Brief Synopsis
Two Miami PD cops take on an Ecstasy drug lord who is sneaking the drug into Miami.
Why It's Here
Before you write off my entire list based on this choice, allow me to defend myself. Any self-respecting action movie fan should have seen Hot Fuzz by now. In Hot Fuzz, Danny, the laid-back action fan asks the uptight Nick Angel if he's seen Bad Boys II, he hasn't, to which Danny says "what? You haven't seen Bad Boys II?" Bewildered at the possibility. Don't be Nick Angel, you need to see Bad Boys II.

For a summer action film, the plot does nothing to separate itself from an episode of CSI, the buddy cop formula has been done before, and better, yet there is something about Bad Boys II that makes it work. The movie is a blockbuster sequel but it doesn't set out to please everyone, refreshingly it's humour is sometimes in bad taste such as when Mike harasses the young man coming to take out Marcus's daughter, or even when the duo drive through Cuban villages, likely killing many innocents (but it's okay, they're drug dealers!). Ah, and don't forget Marcus hiding with the dead naked girl because she has big boobs. So what makes the bad taste likable? It's the thought of a summer movie meant to appeal to the masses that instead, says "fuck the masses" and plays by it's own rules, living up to it's name. Smith and Lawrence have great chemistry together which makes being real assholes and causing inexcusable destruction entertaining and enjoyable.

It's offensive angle is unusual for the summer months, especially for such a high caliber project, however it's guts make it more bold and distinguishable. Superior to the first film in every way, Bad Boys II is extremely entertaining with master-of-explosions Michael Bay behind the camera. High-speed chases, nice cars, clothes, Marcus on ecstasy and a complete disregard for reality, logic, or law in general maintain the level of entertainment that we have come to expect from Michael Bay, and here, he delivers.

Bad Boys II never sets out to portray police in a realistic light, instead these police come out guns blazing with automatic rifles and THEN decide to flash their badges, they steal cars, go undercover, and break international law which is to as much shock us as it is to their captain who acknowledges them as the over-the-top super-cops they are portrayed as. Michael Bay is no idiot, he is quite aware of how ridiculous these two are and he goes with it, making the most of their freedom in the film world, where real life rules don't apply. If an action movie with anything goes rules doesn't please and entertain you, then please, lighten up.