dir: Tony Kaye

I believe in death, destruction, chaos, filth, and greed. - Danny

Why It's Here
A former Neo-Nazi, Derek, returns to his family after spending time in prison only to discover his younger brother following the same destructive path.
Brief Synopsis
Derek is a neo-Nazi who acts as a leader to others following these beliefs. However, after he is sent to prison, he comes back a changed man and devotes his time to stopping his younger brother from following the same destructive path.
Why It's Here
There's nothing funny about this movie. Grim, serious, and dark as night. American History X makes a comment with all that is wrong with America: racism, prejudice, hatred. Edward Norton gets beefed up and angrier than hell as Neo-Nazi Derek who acts as a leader for this underground community. His tattoo's make normal people shiver in fear.
However, instead of being some propaganda piece that the film could have easily become, it instead focuses on Derek after prison rehabilitates him, trying to stop his younger brother from following his same misguided path. Black and white flashbacks develop the story naturally, showing a contrasting side to Derek and how strongly he has changed. While some of the principals Neo-Nazi Derek spits out may seem liberating and justified to some degree initially (yeah, sure, don't admit you thought so) are off-shot by his vicious acts of violence afterwards and his more meaningful principals post-prison. The film tries to show a character most movies would push off as a loser scum-bag and show how even people like this have a hope of changing their ways, how they can do it, and the consequences that come along with it. It's a rich and strong narrative that's executed exceptionally well.
Lesson Learned
You're not righteous or noble for having prejudice against a people because you know a statistic about immigrants or homicides. The film shows even the lowest-of-the-low criminals can come back and right their wrongs.
Memorable Moment
The initial flashback that develops throughout the movie where Norton utters the line with the most gravity in the entire film: "You fucked with the wrong bull".