dir: Mary Harron

There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there. - Patrick Bateman

Brief Synopsis
Patrick Bateman is a classy businessman during the day, but at night he is a raging psychopath. Bateman kills for pleasure in gruesome manners, while keeping his image in-tact. Williem Dafoe plays a detective who slowly begins to become suspicious of his activity.
Why It's Here
If you've ever thought it was sick to give sympathy to a serial killer, then perhaps American Psycho isn't for you. Or maybe it will change your views? Christian Bale is flawless at Patrick Bateman, a big businessman, soaked into a materialistic lifestyle, who also kills people because it's the only feeling or pleasure he can get. He's an asshole, but at the same time he is deep and passionate, usually about music or products. The best part of this great script, is it's not Patrick that's mad, it's the world around him! He wears numerous oils and creams and lotions for his skin and hair and sweats when he fears that someone has a better apartment or business card than him. He even maintains white golf shoes when chasing down a victim with a bloody chainsaw! Madness! The materialistic world that has engulfed Bateman and his "friends" who never even know who Bateman is (because everyone looks the same) is the mad thing here, not necessarily Bateman. The man is just trying to get out of it all, he doesn't want to be numbed by culture like everyone else who is so zoned out, they don't even see Bateman's twisted side.
However, the purposely ambiguous third act is both interestingly bizarre and frustratingly inconclusive. Leaving some scratching their heads, and others smiling in the utter madness of it all!
Lesson Learned
Materialistic cultures are numbingly psychotic. Numerous face lotions just to maintain a wrinkleless face?! That's the true American psycho.
Memorable Moment
Bateman gets an ugly hooker and a call-girl to feed his ego for a night, then he butchers them up good! Wearing white tennis shoes no-less.