dir: Cameron Crowe

I got it, last words, I dig music!... I'm on drugs! - Russell

Brief Synopsis
A young boy gets the chance of a lifetime as he is hired by Rolling Stone magazine to write a story on the band Stillwater and is to travel on tour with them. Along the way he makes friends, has wild new experiences and almost dies thousands of feet in the air.
Why It's Here
A movie about the love of music and nothing more. An unlikely story that is strengthened by the fact that director Crowe loosely based it on his life adventure as an amateur music journalist. Excellently cast, the band known as Stillwater are very alive with energy, each member unique from Jason Lee's awesomely self-absorbed Jeff to Crudup's irresponsible but kind-hearted Russell. Oh, don't forget the quiet Ed, who finally breaks his seal of silence on the band plane revealing an awkward secret. The band takes young William Miller on a wild ride in the life of rock 'n roll full of parties, girls, and drugs but it's not as exploitative as it sounds, the film is excellently written and deeply engaging with numerous memorable moments stemmed from unforgettable characters. I'm not going to say this is a totally original story you've never seen before, instead, it's a familiar story, but told better than any one before it.