dir: David O. Russell

"We three kings be stealin' the gold... " - Conrad Vig

Brief Synopsis
Four American Soldiers in Iraq embark on a rogue mission after the Gulf War is ended to find Saddam's hidden gold.
Why It's Here
The first thing you'll notice about Three Kings is the weirdly over-exposed shots that bleach the images in most scenes and often have the actors nearly consumed by back light. There is a screen at the beginning claiming this effect to is heighten emotional intensity of the story. Yeah okay. Really, it's David O. Russell being insecure about his edgy filming techniques. Luckily, they work, for the most part. Sometimes irritating, but I'm indifferent about them, they aren't what makes the movie great, they just add that little flair to get your initial attention and to set the film apart from the onslaught of Iraq war films to come before and after it.

The movie is great because of the script and actors. The script is pretty hilarious, right from the get-go when Wahlberg sees an Iraqi soldier in the distance waving a white flag and asks, "are we shooting, or what?" to which the unorganized troops around him argue over sharing gum and sand in their nostrils. You immediately get the sense that it's a war comedy that doesn't speak volumes about the American Military. However, the story turns around when the four soldiers who go to loot Saddam's secret stolen gold turn around and help the tortured Iraqi rebels. Yeah, and I do realize that the movie is called Three Kings despite it being about four soldiers. I guess Spike Jonze isn't popular enough to be considered a "king".

The action is pretty awesome, and over the top with convenient rocket launchers and Nerf footballs with C4 attached to them. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but neither did the bloody war! And it's about damn time somebody besides politicians got rich from war.
Lesson Learned
No amount of wealth can satisfy you the way a good deed does (in this case, the deed being transport 50 rebels out of the country). Okay, maybe a little wealth can.
Memorable Moment
The best scene is definitely when the troops and rebels create a replica for Saddam's car and warn the Republican Guard soldiers that Saddam's coming to kill them all. One guy calls bullshit while the other points out his car. They all run for the hills.
Watch Out For
Spike Jonze as the really irritating guy that joins the three "kings". Who's Spike Jonze you say? Director of many awesome music videos and great movies that are found on this list. Double threat!!