dir: Danny Boyle

"If you look at the whole life of the planet, we... you know, man, has only been around for a few blinks of an eye. So if the infection wipes us all out, that is a return to normality. " - Sergeant Farrell

Brief Synopsis
Jim wakes up from a surgery to discover London is abandoned in the wake of a viral outbreak. Along with a few other stranded survivors, he searches for refuge and escape.
Why It's Here

Here's a movie often incorrectly billed as a zombie movie, they're infected humans, damnit! What makes 28 Days Later so amazing is the low budget and focus on character. Low budgets often limit directors, but Danny Boyle makes the best out of it, creating an incredibly realistic world without CGI or focus on lots of gore. The film is grainy, the music is ominous and dark all adding to the mood that crawls under your skin. The very concept of movie works on so many levels, while never explicitly explained, we find Jim awakened after some sort of brain/head surgery. Imagine waking up from surgery to find yourself alone, the entire city abandoned, not knowing what went on, and then to find insane and vicious people hunting you down. Terrfying, no?

The movie uses typical elements of the zombie genre, involving man versus man conflicts where the human's lack of cooperation doom them and the concept that high tech weaponry is useless in the end. However, 28 Days Later succeeds by being very focused as a result of it's budget, centering on the characters, not the infected. It's unusual perspective on the horror (we know the infected are coming before the characters do, the tension is now that we fear for the characters unknowing.) is fascinating and the movie just works on so many levels. It's incredibly well made and brings class to a genre not respected by many people.

Lesson Learned
If you wake up from a surgery and everyone is gone, it's the apocalypse. Also, animal rights activists aren't as noble as they make themselves out to be, they'll likely cause the apocalypse. Also, typically, people must learn to cooperate or they will doom themselves before their enemy can do it.
Memorable Moment
Jim wakes up from his surgery in confusion, walking outside to an empty London...